Age of Cosmic Exploration

Chapter 455: Ambush (1)

Guang Zhen’s specially-designed super high speed admiral ship had entered the hangar. The name of the ship might sound complicated, but it was actually very small, even smaller than a normal battleship. Its greatest feat was its speed. It used a type of technology similar to the Steel Ball’s energy umbrella propeller. For current human technology, only a spaceship smaller than one-fifth the size of battleship could use such a device. This couldn’t be helped as humanity’s scientific prowess was too low.

After the last and biggest meeting on the City of Light Moon, Guang Zhen used this specially-designed spaceship to catch up to the New Solar System’s first fleet’s vanguard unit. Even though the vanguard unit was only one-tenth the size of the total fleet, with 20 spaceships the size of the Hope, 120 guardian spaceships, and 300 plus battleships, as well as the fact of them being fully-loaded, unlike the earlier situation where many seats were still empty on the spaceships. With the help of the AI robots, they could already unleash 80 to 90 percent of their fighting potential.

As mentioned above, this unit wasn’t the main unit. Their main objective was to come to the aid and protect the civilians from second defense line before making a tactical retreat. The main fighting force was the six Black Star units, totaling up to 60 Black Star Troopers. They would be responsible for the attack and defense part of the mission, to aid the retreat the civilians from second defense line.

Behind this vanguard unit, there were 6 other Black Star units who were doing their last preparations...

"I don’t believe this!"

Ebon roared angrily as he paced around the field. The force of his mechanical foot was so strong that it created a large footprint on the ground. He yelled, "Wang Hwa, that idiot, is dead? I refuse to believe this! This has to be fake news!"

With two hands behind his back, Liu Bai told Ebon, "Will you please calm down? This is why you’re unable to become the leader of a Black Star unit, it’s because of your rash nature! Calm down and listen to me... Wang Hwa’s sacrifice is already confirmed, this has been proven to be true."

Ebon stood there for a long time with a drawn face before finally adding, "Why... why can all of you be so calm? Tell me, Liu Bai, you’re like this, Ol’ captain is like that, Captain Wong is like this, everyone... How can all of you can be so calm. Wang Hwa is no longer with us. Just like Ying, he will never return again! Or... you all don’t really..."

Before Ebon could finish, Liu Bai’s kick sent him flying five meters back. He finally lost his temper and roared, "If you dare to finish that sentence, I’ll personally cut you into pieces! F*ck, what are you trying to imply? That we don’t care? If we don’t care... this counter-attack mission wouldn’t have been ordered! Open your damn eyes and see clearly. Who doesn’t care? These are all our comrades, our brothers from the Black Star Unit! Who cannot care?"

Ebon sat down on the floor and his expression was dazed. After some time, he finally stood up with his face twisted with a wicked smile. "Yes, our brothers cannot die for no reason. Yes, we all care about them. The only one who doesn’t care is the enemy. His death has saved the lives of 9,000 plus children. It’s a worthy death, but it’s not enough! We need to serve Wang Hwa somehow, a ritual of sorts to mark his passing. The sacrifice... will be those robot fleets!"

At the same time, the second defense line was almost completely silent. Other than the few cannons that were still firing, the rest of the place had fallen apart. A mass of robots had landed and destroyed the lifeforms there, and they even started to pillage the construction within...

The main base of the second defense line was already surrounded by layers of spaceships. However, at that moment, a silver ball emerged from the crack above the second main base. The spaceships around it exploded in less than two seconds. These spaceships were actually bigger than human battleships and they carried on them many robots. Their main purpose was to assist landing, and their energy shields were so weak that they couldn’t defend against the Steel Ball’s super long distance particular condensation ray. They were nothing more than sitting targets for the Steel Ball.

The Steel Ball controlled by Amulo had such an incredible speed. Due to its smaller size and more powerful reactor and propeller system, its speed unit time was about six times the speed of the Space Combat Jets. However, the key feature was its dexterity. Since it was completely attached to its pilot’s mental frame, the reaction speed of the Steel Ball was the reaction speed of the human brain. Even though it was not light speed, when Amulo recognized the danger, he could immediately evade it. In other words, it was impossible for him to get hit.

In fact, for most space civilizations, the so-called out-of-ship combat jets were all cannon fodder. This was because among level 2 or 3 space civilizations, the combat jets couldn’t evade the bullets from the enemies of same level space civilizations. Level 2 space civilizations used Gaussian weapons and level 3 used plasma weapons. Their bullet speed was much faster than the sight and the speed of the brain, especially for the plasma weapon of a level 3 space civilization. Plasma weapons had light speed bullets. As long as it was fired, it was practically impossible to evade. Under this circumstance, those combat jets without powerful energy shields were like cannon fodder.

The only exceptions were the cosmic adapters. Even those without special powers had a great sense of space dimensionality and danger awareness, so they could react before the danger arrived. Furthermore, for combat in space, due to the intervention of the ECS system and creator’s particle, long distance aiming couldn’t have a 100 percent accuracy. This combined with the danger sense of cosmic adapters meant that combat jets controlled by cosmic adapters almost wouldn’t be hit by long distance shots. They might be hit by blanket shots, but since the damage of the shot was separated, the damage caused would be much smaller. Even if they were hit, the shield would be able to negate the damage.

Under this circumstance, the Steel Ball controlled by Amulo was practically invincible at close range. None of the enemy spaceships could keep up with him, since the Steel Ball was weaving seamlessly through the enemy fleet. At the same time, its bullets in the shape of light orbs managed to phase through energy shields directly. This was too scary. In just 60 seconds since its appearance, the large group of spaceships outside of the second defense line had completely disappeared, leaving behind a large amount of broken pieces in space.

Amulo had taken down at least several thousand smaller landing-use spaceships and battleships. After doing all that, he still didn’t feel a heavy weight on his brain. If anything, he felt energized and refreshed, like how he would feel after clearing a gaming level.

Right then, a large mothership started to move. A great number of energy cannons started to collect energy and targeted the Steel Ball. With a twinge of his heart, Amulo sensed the danger coming. He didn’t hesitate and the Steel Ball morphed into a silver light. About half a second later, the spot he was at earlier was consumed by a blinding ray of light. Further away, a large meteorite was directly evaporated.

"That’s the boss?" Amulo had temporarily forgotten where he was and what he was doing. In fact, he had entered his gaming mind and thought he was playing an extra real game. The Steel Ball was like a cheat, and he enjoyed taking down the plebs around him.

When the large mothership appeared, Amulo’s first thought was that this must be the level’s last boss. Without hesitation, he rushed towards it, and as he approached it, the Steel Ball had started firing the particular condensation ray. However, when the ray hit the mothership, it was blocked by a thick plasma shield that was visible to the naked eye.


Amulo was not shocked. In fact, he predicted this. If the boss was so fragile, then the game wouldn’t have survived internal testing. Just as he swerved in an arc around the mothership, all of the attacks by the mothership missed him by a hair. He launched the Explosive Arrow Bullets at the plasma shield. The bullets landed on the shield and started to burrow through it. However, the shield was so thick that the bullets eventually exploded in the middle of the shield.

As Amulo continued to evade the attacks, he thought about it and rushed forward once more. He aimed about 10 shots at the same spot. All of the bullets started burrowing at once. Finally, one of them got through the shield but exploded in the space between the shield and the mothership.

"This also won’t work? Then this is the last resort..."

Amulo started communicating with the Steel Ball. In just the blink of an eye, the surface of the Steel Ball started to surge with electricity. After its appearance, the energy shield around the Steel Ball started to glow. Its brightness was beyond the intensity observable by the naked eye. The next second, the Steel Ball knocked into the mothership’s shield. In the midst of sparks, the Steel Ball crashed through the shield, creating a hole on the energy shield. Then two light sabers appeared beside the Steel Ball. The Steel Ball rushed towards the mothership, and there were explosions along the way...

At the same time, at a place not far away from the second defense line, there was nothing... or rather, nothing could be seen because of the ECS system.

"...I see it, there are three fireballs there. Two of them are sitting quietly, while the last one is moving rapidly about. It is glowing brightly, but it is unlike the Chancellor’s sun, it isn’t a mere fireball but one that is glowing intensely..."

Zhang San closed his eyes and reported.

Guang Zhen nodded and turned to Xiao Niao beside him. "What do you think?"

Xiao Niao thought about it and answered, "It cannot be Major Wang Hwa’s unit, they’re already confirmed to be dead. The observation was personally confirmed by Xi Kong, so the only possibility is a newly awakened Homo Evolutis like Lieutenant Zhang San, a latent Homo Evolutis seed..."

Guang Zhen nodded affirmatively before telling Zhang San seriously, "Then... contact him, tell the Homo Evolutis that is battling to lure the enemy towards the designated coordinates... Drag the time out until...

"We arrive to ambush them!"

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