Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 97 Cat Dad Makes Friends

Chapter 97 – Cat Dad Makes Friends


Xiaomao’s crypto wallet sent him a message in-game, telling him that three million USDT was transferred to his wallet account.

Xiaomao gave the spell book to Halal as promised. The latter was so happy that he almost groveled to the cat.

“Thank you, friend! You have no idea how much this spellbook means to me! With this spell, my guild can take on a raid quest, and we can get a clue on the story quest!”

Hearing that Halal was tackling the story quest, Xiaomao was alarmed.

“Story quest, munya?”

“Oh, right.”

Because of his happiness, Halal didn’t bother hiding his secrets, “I’ve got my hands on an unidentified black stone from a boss raid, and we gave it to the local adventurer guild. The guild branch manager of this town returned the stone and warned us not to show the stone anywhere. Then, he gave us a quest to bring the stone to Yeet City’s Pangu Church.”.


The quest seemed similar to what Xiaomao had planned to do in the past. However, Halal was luckier as he didn’t meet a corrupted guild branch manager.

Still, this main storyline would follow the path of the Pangu Church, and they might become Cernun’s enemies in the future. Xiaomao didn’t want anybody to trigger Pangu’s story quests right now.

‘What to do? Should I lie to him? Should I sabotage him? Or should I recruit these people? Come to think of it, they are rich kids that will become the first batch of superhumans. Earth needs them to protect humanity from the first invasion and curb the second generation from pillaging regular humans, but Pangu will enslave them in the process.’

Xiaomao had a dilemma. His logic told him that leaving them be was the right choice, but his instinct wanted him to pull them to Chaos Demon Goddess’ side.

Because Xiaomao couldn’t decide, he asked Halal and his friends.

“Say, munya. Hypothetically speaking, there are two gods and one goddess. The first god is the local manipulative god that wants to enslave every human and protect the Earth from the second god and the goddess. The second god wants to kill the first god and destroy Earth, and he is a colleague of the goddess. However, the goddess’s motive is always a mystery, but serving her will bring you bad luck. Everybody in the world will become your enemy. You must choose one god to serve. Who will you choose, munya?”

Xiaomao tested Halal with the truth behind the three gods. He needed to know Halal’s stance as his next decision might affect the number of superhuman population.

In the future, the most dangerous invasion came from the second world’s cultivators, who were Chaos Demon God Tlaloc’s followers. Xiaomao and the rest of the first-generation superhumans would be forced to come out as the UN’s armies would have no chance against the superpower of the cultivators.

In addition, the Cathulhu Invasion happened after the first invasion, but Xiaomao didn’t know all the detail since all fights afterward were kept a secret among the superhuman community. Still, he heard a rumor that Cathulhu spared regular humans and only killed superhumans that didn’t join Chang’e Faction.


Halal and his friends were stunned. A few of them giggled as they thought that Xiaomao was toying with them.

“What kind of question is that, kitty?”

“Is that a trick question?”

“What’s the point of that?”

Although the guild mates didn’t bother thinking it through, Halal figured out the hidden meaning of Xiaomao’s question.

“Is that related to the quest, friend?”

Xiaomao took a deep breath and decided to be bold, “You’re not the only one with the main scenario quest’s clues, munya.”

Halal gave Xiaomao a meaningful look, “So, is the question based on your quest?”

“You can say that, munya.”

“Can you tell me more?”

“Answer my question honestly, munya. If you’re on my side, I’ll help you. If you pick the wrong choice, we part way here, munya.”


The giggling friends of Halal stopped laughing. They finally realized that there was something unusual in Xiaomao’s trick question.

It might not be just a trick question!

“Three gods, eh?” Halal cupped his chin and looked up. He repeated the description of the three gods.

“So you’re saying, the first god is a tyrant, but he protects the Earth. The second is an evil god, and the third one is the goddess of bad luck?”

Xiaomao didn’t answer as he also didn’t know much about Chaos Demon Goddess Chang’e. However, he left it up to Halal’s imagination to prevent a misunderstanding,

Seeing Xiaomao’s blank expression, Halal sighed. He turned toward his friends.

“Give me your opinion. Which god will you pick?”

Halal’s friends looked at each other, but they didn’t answer. As his friends didn’t have the courage to speak, Halal took the initiative.

“I’m going with the goddess.”

The others shrugged, “Do we even have a choice? The first god and the second god are both bad. It’s a question that forces everyone to pick the third answer.”

“Yeah, but I think something remains to be seen. We don’t have enough clues, and his clues aren’t clear either.”

“So, his story quest’s clue comes from the bad luck goddess’s side?”

“I believe so.”

Xiaomao listened to their brainstorm and slapped his forehead. He didn’t know why he revealed such secrets to the outsiders. Still, it was for pulling the innocent soon-to-be superhumans to the right faction.

Halal noticed the grim look on Xiaomao’s face. He stopped talking to his friend and approached the cat.

“We’ve decided. We’ll pick the third option.”

Xiaomao tested them again, “You’re not thinking outside the box and coming up with the fourth option, munya? Are you sure?”

“Fourth option is tempting, but we lack information. If we have to pick between the three, the obvious choice is the goddess of bad luck.”

“You’ll regret it. The entire world’s NPCs and players will be your enemies, munya.”

“That sounds like what Batman would do. I’ll gladly take the thorny heroic path with you, friend.”

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