My Enchanting System

Chapter 790 Ghastly Domain

BAM! Alora landed inside a dark room. For an instant, she could feel her skin tingle. She couldn\'t bring herself to move an inch.

CLACK! CLACK! The lights lit in chains, and tens of white orbs of magic emerged in the ceiling as Alora saw an infinite white void.

Desks started falling from the sky and into place. Shelves landed beside them with everything alchemist could need, from plants to grasses, Without spilling a single drop.

"Where am I?" Alora gasped, looking around. Then she could feel a ghastly aura, the indifference to reality, and the incarnation of the forbidden.

Alora\'s teeth started cracking as her body trembled.

AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! A woman\'s scream of agony boomed from the ceiling.

"Olivia needs help. I want you to make sure her work succeeds." Lilia\'s voice came from the ceiling. She stood there wearing a black gooey black coat of infinite eyes. Pouring a strange liquid on the screaming Mystra she kept in a jar.

Alora\'s eyes darted from Lilia to the screaming Mystra, and then to the jars filled with monsters, dragons, and humanoids lined on her table. This wasn\'t the Lilia she saw before. This wasn\'t a clone. This is the real body.

CRACK! Alora felt Lilia\'s aura fall on her body like a heavy stone. She lost control of her body and fell on her face, shaking and foaming from her mouth.

"I know you still had thoughts about taking your throne back from Gracie. I advise you to forget that. Or you will end here." Lilia pointed to an empty jar.

DING! With a metal-like ringing. Alora\'s body disappeared, falling face-first into another white room.

"HA!" Olivia gasped, glaring back with a scared face. "What?" She saw Alora shaking on the floor, so she rushed in with a potion. "Are you the one Cain and Lolth said would help me?"


~Gracie, can you hear me?~

Gracie opened her eyes inside the dungeon as she heard Umberlee\'s voice. She landed on her feet, and her clothes emerged from her shadow.

"I\'m sure the animals aren\'t in the world yet." She replied.

~That isn\'t the problem. A powerful demon lord is stirring troubles down the abyss. Can you kill him for me?~

Gracie blinked, "A demon lord that you can\'t kill? Who is it?"

~Demogorgan, he\'s trying to take control of my seas in the abyss. He could have sensed me using a lot of power and decided to attack.~ Umberlee is using her divine power to fill Cain\'s realm, and the demon lord felt that this is a good chance to attack her domain.

"I see. He\'s hindering you from doing your job. Count him dead." Gracie replied with a passive face. "Where could I find him?"

~Try to leave him alive for Cain or Lilia. I\'m sure they can find a use for such a powerful demon.~ Umberlee smiled, creating a water portal for Gracie to use. She can\'t use her shadows to move to a place she doesn\'t know.

Gracie looked at herself. She was clean and well-groomed. As a maid, her looks reflect Cain\'s care, and she won\'t stain that.

Gracie walked through the portal and stepped into an endless jungle of great arch trees and silver fog of putrid rot and fungus. The ground growled like it was alive as massive bugs crawled on the trees.

She walked forward, and Umberlee\'s door closed behind her. She looked back and then started walking forward.

\'This place is strange. I sense multiple powerful beings swarming around me as they keep their distance.\' She closed her eyes. \'Let\'s try drawing them in.\'

Gracie\'s body started releasing a faint smell that washes their minds. A hormone to arouse and attract everything. "OOOOOOOOO!" She heard a high-pitched human-like scream from the trees.

Thud! Thud! SPLAT! Landing on the dirt, tens of four armed, demonic apes landed, glaring at her with crazed eyes. They jumped and howled, banging their chests in excitement.

"Monkeys?" Gracie said with a passive face, slowly lifting her hands and closing her eyes. BA-BAM! The apes lunged at her, but they froze mid-air, unable to move. String-like shadows expanded from beneath Gracie\'s skirt and tied them in place.

"Where is Demogorgan?" She asked, staring at them, "You aren\'t smart enough to reply."


A large demon rested on the other side of the swamp, glaring at the large putrid ponds of corpses. Two ape-like heads, argued as its long spiked tails stabbed the corpses. His arms split into two tentacles at the elbow as the bones separate. He stood, using his massive lizard-like legs, and glared at the sky.

"Something is off." Said the first head. "Demon died. The weakling must die."

"That was a large number. Something strong killed them." The first head growled. "There were too weak. Why care? We need to take over the sea domain." He turned around and dived into the mud, swimming away.

Gracie walked across the swamp-like jungles, and she started feeling sick from the smell. It was disgusting and reminded her of the one day she left some meat out in the kitchen.

With each step she took, the ground growled beneath her feet. And after a while, monsters started recognizing her aura and running away as soon as she got close. "Is he avoiding me? I thought he would attack me as soon as I entered his domain."

~Demogorgan has two heads that keep arguing. He most likely felt you but argued himself out of fighting you. He\'s still focused on pushing his magic into my domain.~

"Can you guide me to him? I can kill him as soon as I find him."

~I said leave him alive. Cut one of his heads and both his arms and tail. That should put him out for a while.~

Gracie nodded, "I will try my best. You focus on your work."

Ding! A droplet of water dripped in front of Gracie, sending a pure white trace on the mud and directing her to Demogorgan\'s location.


Fierna sat on her desk in Phlegethos, looking at the papers. She sighed with her head tilted to the side. "I did feel his power growing. Even Inanna has gotten hotter recently. I wonder what he is doing."

A devil woman pushed the door open, "You Highness Fierna. The devils\' route to the lower layers is almost ready."

Fierna pulled a paper from the stack and stamped it with a bored expression. "Here it is." She handed the paper to the devil woman, and she took it out.

After a few bored minutes, the woman came back panting. "Reports about tremors originating from Nessus were confirmed. There is a clash between two powerful beings."

Fierna stared at the woman. "It\'s Nessus. The fight won\'t last long. Ignore it." she waved her hand, hushing the woman away.

"You\'re awfully calm." A voice came from the room\'s corner, and Fierna\'s eyes lit up. "Mistress Marina." Marina stood there with a smile on her face. She approached Fierna who was a devil lord, "I have some news for you."

Fierna jumped from her chair, letting Marina sit. The moment that happened, she rushed to take her shoes off and suck on her toes. "Mistress, what brought you here."

Marina smiled, "You\'re always the most devoted. Even though I\'m far weaker than you."

She was right. Even with Cain\'s magic, Marina still wasn\'t a fighter, and she couldn\'t stand against a devil lord. In fact, she was as powerless in front of Fierna as a bug. But why is the demon lady acting like this?

The reason was simple. She could sense Cain on her, and she wanted to get to him.

"I got some news from Cain. He will come here soon to meet you." Marina said, and Fierna shivered, "Is that true?"

Marina glared at her, "Who told you to stop sucking?" She kicked Fierna in the face, "Don\'t stop if I didn\'t tell you."

"I don\'t want any problems when he arrives. Make sure to do everything asks, and inform everyone in the domain that they don\'t have a choice in doing what he asks." Marina smiled, "Do it right, and you might have your tongue on him. Or better, he can beat you again."

Fierna remembered the day Cain beat, she had liked that treatment and fantasized about it more than once. She won\'t let this chance slip away.

"You can speak," Marina pulled her foot from Fierna\'s mouth.

"I do everything I can to please him. Thanks for your advice." She bowed deeply.

"That\'s it..." Marina smiled, but she suddenly noticed a flood of liquid dripping from between Fierna\'s legs as she started sweating. At that moment, she felt it.

Marina slowly turned her head to see Cain standing behind her. "Cain, you came early." She said with a smile.

"Let me sit." Cain patted her shoulder and she stood, letting him sit. He pulled the chair toward the desk and Marina went under to suck him off.

Fierna remained frozen as she couldn\'t resist Cain\'s aura. He was different than last time.

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